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Dario Di Zanni

By December 22, 2023January 18th, 2024No Comments

I am a driven and entrepreneurial business and product transformation leader with a passion for pioneering the future of entertainment. As the Co-founder and Head of Franchise at Kinetic Energy Entertainment, I specialize in merging technology, storytelling, and audience engagement to create experiences and build new Ventures.

Throughout my career working at major studios and in building Kinetic, my key interests and focus have been on:

1. Pioneering the Future of Entertainment:
At Kinetic Energy Entertainment, we’re not just in the business; we’re at the forefront of redefining it: CREATIVE IS A BUSINESS. I’ve led the development, productization, and launch of five IPs across various verticals, including video games, podcasts, and consumer packaged goods. Currently, we’re working on more IPs, delving into animation, digital subscriptions, apparel, and virtual influencers. Our unique approach has caught the attention of major players such as Walmart, Disney, MGA Entertainment and AMC Networks.

2. Building Winning Teams:
Success doesn’t happen in isolation. Throughout my career, I’ve showcased my knack for building and leading high-performing teams. From establishing AMC Games to launching new IP incubators and animated projects, I’ve consistently fostered environments where creativity thrives. At Kinetic Energy Entertainment, we understand that a winning team is essential for delivering outstanding results in long-term audience engagement, monetization, and overall value creation.

3. Passionate about Interactive Storytelling:
Interactive storytelling isn’t just a job for me; it’s a calling. From my role as Executive Director of Product Management at Disney Parks, Experiences, and Products to my leadership at Kinetic, I’ve been committed to pushing the boundaries of interactive entertainment. I pioneered Disney’s first direct-to-consumer digital and physical product, laying the foundation for a number of very successful digital businesses. My passion extends to the development of VoiceAI hardware, the creation of engaging apps, and the establishment of multidisciplinary teams within highly matrixed organizational environments.

In every role, I’ve consistently delivered results, whether it’s doubling game business revenue, launching successful consumer products, or transforming franchises to align with emerging direct-to-consumer opportunities.

Growing up, I used to hack things, mostly computers. This precarious hobby led me to develop a personal passion and understanding for technology and for its disruptive potential. Luckily in my personal choose-your-own-adventure book of life, I chose to go to college and study media and marketing rather than going to jail because I hacked some of the most secured networks (then) around.

I am Italian from Corato, a town in the Puglia region of Italy, which I like to describe as the “stiletto heel of Italy” just because…it sounds fancy! I now live in Los Angeles with Manuela, my wife, and my two daughters Zoe and Zelda, who are my partners in life, cooking and travels.

My special power is “Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon … with nail polish.“. Meaning: I remember all the lines of the Big Lebowski – and no, I can’t really get you a toe.

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